Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Zensha Compression Sleeves & Give Away

Thank you Zensha for making the compression leg sleeve. They are the best.

Since I bought my compression running sleeves a few weeks ago, I have worn them more days then not. I wear them after long runs, after short runs, and around the house when I am cold. My tired calves sigh a sigh of relief every time I put them on.
The leg sleeves come in lots of lovely colors. Unfortunately, the store I bought mine at only had black in men's sizes. (My calves are man sized) Black is fine but I would have preferred red or pink.

 These are not my legs ☺

I also have the matching arm sleeves. Zensha has lots of great products I'm told. I'm looking forward to trying more products like the running skirt.

Today I'm wishing they made compression thigh sleeves. After running 4.6mi last night then getting up early to run a few this morning, my thighs hurts a bit too. Plus, I may try to squeeze in a few more miles tonight.  I guess an epsom salt bath might have to do.

A Couple of Give Aways y'all might be interested in:


Teamarcia said...

Thanks for that review! I am a compression sleeve virgin. I love compression shorts but have never tried sleeves.

Pining for Pinterest said...

I am also a compression sleeve virgin. I think someone needs to do a giveaway so I can win some compression socks :-)

Libby said...

I have those in Pink :) They make me really happy, except they are a little short because I have long legs, but thats ok. I like wearing them on airplanes under jeans or pants, I like to think it helps but it might just be in my head

Anonymous said...

I have the arm and leg sleeves too! LOVE them! I'm glad I'm not the only one who wears them around the house when I'm cold!