This morning I ran my last long run prior to race day. (My first half marathon of the season is two weeks away.) I knew I would want to be standing in the kitchen for a long time today. Everyone loves beef stew. Minimal chopping. And lots of veg. Meets all of my requirements. This recipe doubles easily and freezes beautifully.
Crock Pot Beef Stew
1 lg yellow onion
1 lg red onion
3 lbs beef brisket
2 garlic clove, minced
2 sweet potatoes
2 lbs potatoes
1/4 cup lemon juice
1/4 cup honey
1 1/2 tsp table salt 1 tsp pepper
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1-2 can(s) beef broth
Slice beef into 1 inch cubes. Coarsely chop onion, garlic, sweet potatoes, potatoes.
Add meat and veg to slow cooker.
Combine lemon juice, honey, salt, pepper, cinnamon and broth. Wisk well.
Pour over meat and veg. Mix well. Cook on low for 8hrs (or high for 4hrs.) Serve when meat is tender and pulls apart easily. Serve over rice, pasta, or as it is.
If you have any question/comments about this recipe, pls leave me a comment or email at megmehell at yahoo dot com.
I hope you enjoy this dinner as much as I did. What did y'all have for dinner?
Puzzle Saver
3 weeks ago
I had jambalaya for supper today.
What do you think about adding bell peppers to stew? I like it but sometimes I find that when it is cooked too long, it gets a little bitter. What has been your experience?
I ran my last long run today too. I'm going to register it tonight/tomorrow. My knees and ankles are feeling pretty good.
Also, I think I am going to get a hotel room so I won't have to drive more than I need to. And you are more than welcome to use the other bed if you wanted to be closer to the race on race day and let your family sleep a little more. Thanks for the offer.
Your stew looks good - I never think about adding a sweet potato, but I should.
How exciting that you are on the downhill slide toward your half!!!
okay...putting it out there
my GFTW in the next few weeks is to FINALLY create on of your awesome recipes. it's done! gimme 2 wks;-)
I love stew especially in the colder weather!
My 1/2 is in three weeks! I love fall races!
Have a great week!
(By the way we do always make our own pie crust. I think pie crust just takes practice. My husband is the pie maker around here though. He does a better job than I do - but I am getting better.)
Yum! I'd LOVE to make that...but I'd be eating it myself as The Caveman is all about rare meat.
There's talk of a pumpkin shortage so keep you eye out for the canned stuff and pounce when you see it.
Tonight I'm thinking maybe fajitas.
You always make such colorful food!
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