Today was a monumental day in our house. Li started Big Girl School (Pre-k4). Since I went back to work, she has attended the same nursery school. Mawmaw and Sarah have been very good to my sweet girl. They have been a part of every milestone in her life. But like Christopher Robin, we all out grow our baby life and have to go to school.
She will learn to read more words, have weekly art and music classes, learn Spanish, recess and eat in the cafeteria with the rest of the school. Li will love it. She learns easily and loves making friends.
Even though today was only a half day, it was still exhausting.
Puzzle Saver
3 weeks ago
Ohhh She is so sweet!!! It looks like she had fun at big girl school. It wiped her out.
Awww, what a cutie - and I love their little uniforms!
OMG, she is just sweet as can be!! I love, love, love those curls!!
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