Not to toot my own horn, but I am good at a lot of things. I can belt out Don't Stop Believin' nearly as well as Steve Perry. I can cook just about anything, I can crunch numbers in my head. I can run for hours and hours. All this while entertaining two small maniacs. But the list of things I'm not capable of is just as long if not longer. I can't dance, play volleyball, walk with out bumping into something, or take a picture worth a damn.
As I've gotten older, I've learned that the parts of my life where I lack natural skill are areas of my life that I can work on and become proficient . I've taught myself to be a distance runner even though I'm no athlete. I post on this blog a few times a week even though putting together a coherent sentence takes more time than it should.
The time has come for me improve on my home design skills. My bedroom is really sad. If I did an episode of cribs I for sure wouldn't say "This is where the magic happens" when I showed off my room. Don't get me wrong, there's plenty of magic. Just no design.
Obviously, I have a thing for green. But it does not go well with the 80's blue carpet. I bought that down comforter with the idea of getting modern duvet cover. But I never have gotten around to it. Hopefully, I can find something at All Modern. They have a big selection so I should be able to find something greenish, that's not to girlie.
Not to mention, there is nothing on the walls. I have yet to find something I really like. The space behind my bed is large and empty. I have no idea how to fill it. Not that I really put any effort into finding the right art piece. What's on the wall above your bed?
I'm tired of being uninspired by my room. I'm going to start working on making it a sanctuary. As soon as we have a spare couple hundred dollars to spare.
Puzzle Saver
3 weeks ago