This time last year, I was about to run my very first half marathon. (My race recap from last year) The race was at the end of October and I started getting jittery on October 1st. The week before I barely slept. I stopped drinking alcohol two weeks before and downing water every chance I got to be sure I was sufficiently hydrated. I ran every mile of my training plan. I made a list of all the paraphernalia I needed to bring. Tested my race outfit on two long runs. My playlist was full. Every scenario I could think of, I practiced; without music, on an empty stomach, on a full stomach, tired legs, etc. I knew my goal time and my splits. When I'm nervous, I over-prepare.
As of today, my first half of the fall season is 5 days out. I'm not nearly as prepared as I would like to be. It's not like I slacked on my training. I just cut back to let my ITBand rest. But I got in a few decent length runs. Still, I may have to walk this one. My garmin and ipod have not made it to the charger yet. But I have Gu and my water bottle is in the freezer. Not sure what I'm wearing yet or if 60deg weather warrants a jacket. All this lack of preparation and I'm not freaking out. And, I'm sleeping just fine.
The difference is that I know what to expect. Racing is old hat now. The Louisiana Half on Sunday will be my 4th half. I know I can do it. I know my legs can get me to the end. I know I can push self-doubt into a small corner into my mind and ignore it. And above all, I know I will finish. Plus, there's bling waiting for me.
I guess the difference is that I'm excited not nervous.
Puzzle Saver
3 weeks ago
That is such a great attitude to have!
I'm excited for you! Hope you have a great race!!!
a year seems like such a short time, but so much can happen!! very excited for you
Good luck!!! You will do great!
You're an ol' pro now ... you know what to expect ... you'll do awesome. good luck!
GO,go go! love what a difference a year can make;)
You know even after quite a few races I still get pretty nervous! But it does help to know what to expect. I have my 1/2 in a little over a week. I feel butterflies just thinking about it. Good luck on yours! :)
Oh just wait till your toenails fall off! I'm still waiting for 2 of mine to grow back from a half marathon in April!!-Erin
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