My first week of my new goals did not go perfectly. Of course not, if it did, I would not need to set up this self challenge.
Mind: No cursing. Almost did when I was nearly run off the road by a dump truck but didn't. WIN
Body: Did 50reps of different ab exercises. WIN
Diet: One left over birthday cupcake. That's it just one. WIN
Soul: Let my temper get the best of me this AM. Mornings are hard. I hate the hectic craziness. And fussy babies. And I lost control over something meaningless. FAIL. Double FAIL, in fact.
Mind: No cursing. WIN
Body: Did 30reps of different arm exercises. And a jog with the girls in the double stroller. WIN
Diet: One teatime snack. WIN
Soul: Let my temper get the best of me AGAIN, this morning. My oldest is as strong willed as I am. We butt heads a lot. FAIL.
Mind: Said the "S" word. No real reason for it either. FAIL
Body: Nothing. Nada. FAIL
Diet: We had a customers in from out of town. Took a late lunch in the Quarter. Three beers with lunch and other junk. FAIL
Soul: Kept my temper all day. WIN
Mind: Dropped the F-Bomb while talking to my sister. FAIL
Body: Nothing no exercising at all. FAIL
Diet: Glass of wine and a cupcake. FAIL
Soul: Another day without hollering. Still take effort though. FAIL.
Mind: No cursing. WIN
Body: Four plus hours of gardening then lot of other indoor cleaning. I was sore the next morning. I'm calling this one. WIN
Diet: Glass of wine only. WIN
Soul: Didn't raise my voice but once. WIN
Mind: Think I may have cursed but cant remember. FAIL?
Body: More cleaning but not vigorous. FAIL
Diet: Glass of wine and cupcake ad a beer. FAIL
Soul: I notice it's getting easier to keep my temper. WIN
Mind: Said GD in conversation. This is what I am trying to get rid of. FAIL
Body: No time. Too busy. FAIL
Diet: Beer, Reese's eggs, Doberge cake, and other assorted cake. I ate so much my belly hurt. It still hurt this morning. FAIL. Double FAIL.
Soul: I did have to fuss at my girls but normal mom stuff. WIN
So to sum up this week, I am happy with my Mind (cursing) and Soul (temper) progress. It's getting easier if I'm conscience of what I'm doing. Body and Diet did not go well. I was lazy.
This week I'm kicking my own butt into gear and getting better about exercising and eating well.
Puzzle Saver
3 weeks ago
Being aware is the first step of change and progress right? Keep up the hard work!
Oh my, that was just hysterical to read. Guess you had a bad Thursday, huh!??! I love how you put youself out there and make youself honest! You are awesome!!! I hate so much on Friday I was so sick...I had to post a note on my mirror so I'd see it every morning: I will not eat crap until after Boston!! Haha. Hang in there, girl - you ARE doing it!
I love this! Such a fun way of updating us on your goals (which I think are pretty great).
PS: Thanks for your comment today. I will check out the RW article. I think I found a solution to my problem. Less running, more fun! LOL! Not sure how it'll work out for the marathon, but we shall see.
Girl, just have to say a glass of wine and cupcake each nite is fine. really. I do it nightly. just balance it out with some 20-30 min cardio exercise. that's my motto at least;-)
Sounds like you're doing great! And on Easter? I think EVERYONE has too many treats. Including kids...which leads to issues involving the temper! Overall a win for the week!
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