Wednesday, June 29, 2011
HOTTER than HELL Marathon
In order to train for the fall races, I train thru the summer. May as well train in the spring too for a summer race.
Luckily someone has put a race together. This Sunday July 3rd. And it's informal, which I LOVE! And it's to benefit sick little boys. Who doesn't want to help sick kids?!
I wasn't able to find a website about the race, that's how informal it is so here's a blurb from the flyer.
"Finally, you can take an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of ten thousand boys suffering from Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) and have fun doing it.
The HOTTER than HELL MARATHON is an informal recreational marathon of 26.2 miles held on Sunday July 3rd, 2011 in Audubon Park, New Orleans, LA. The Start Time is flexible. Some will start at 12-1AM in order to finish by the 9AM awards presentations. Others start at 2-3AM. You should plan your start to finish at least before the guy with the Medals and T-Shirts finishes and the Jambalaya is all gone.
For the Medal and a T-Shirt you must complete 13 precisely measured Laps around the Audubon Park Circle running path between St Charles and Magazine St. by Monday. This year’s start is at Shelter #11 for official/unofficial scoring and after run recovery. Shelter #11 is off St. Charles Ave. directly across from Loyola University. Parking is available on St. Charles Ave. If you show up, you’re registered and you’re on the honor system to keep track of your own Laps on the official erasable board. You are responsible for your own supplies, health and physical fitness. Welcome all runners, thanks for your support, join us for a good time, meet other runners! See you Sunday A.M. There is no charge for the HtH MARATHON Event. It is completely Sponsor and donations supported. All contributions will go directly to
The world’s strongest athletes helping the weakest of all boys is a profound example of caring and powerful symbolism of human potential. Few if any participants have a DMD child. Yet if medicine is developed to prolong and improve these lives, thousands of young boys will gain a chance at survival and a better life. You can donate directly to RaceMD by visiting the website, and click the “Take Action" tab then “Make a Donation." "
They have also included a donation card just can give them the day of the race. I will gladly email you the flyer if you would like it.
Now I really wish I ran marathons and not just halfs. If you know me, you know I like foolishness. This sort of crazy ridiculousness is the kind of thing that I would do. Get up super early on a Sunday and run for 6hours in the 90deg weather. Unfortunately for me, I have never run more than 13miles. But I really want to do this race. What to do? What to do?
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Super Powers - We Got 'Em
Last year, I looked forward to every DetermiNation meeting each month. And I'm so excited to start the 2011-2012 season.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
#SugarFreeChallenge Mid-point Update
Overall, my ability to resist the sweet siren sugar is fine. But I never doubted that I could walk away for 10 days. Could I do it forever? Or a year? I don't know. The reason I'm unsure is at this point I still crave sugar. That's the point behind this challenge is to rid oneself of the desire/dependence on sugar. I'm not there yet. Maybe come Friday this sugar monkey will have loosened his grip on my back.
Come visit me in a few days and fond out if I made it.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Discounted registration for @RnRNOLA 2012
Discounted registration for Rock'n'Roll New Orleans 2012 - in honor of National Running Day!
Happy National Running Day!
We're SO excited about National Running Day, it has made us go a little crazy! When you join the DetermiNation team for Rock'n'Roll New Orleans 2012, TODAY through FRIDAY, we're knocking $10 off of your registration fee!
$15 gets you registered, trained, and INSPIRED for the 2012 Rock'n'Roll New Orleans Marathon and Half, benefiting the American Cancer Society! With race day on March 4th of 2012, your extended FUNdraising efforts will be a walk in the park! (Running punn intended.)
Our 2012 site is live and ready for you to register! Go to:
We look forward to welcoming you to our 2012 team soon!
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