Welcome to money gram transfer world wide
There is an issue with money gram involving $1,200,000.00 which was called to
this office by International Monetary Fund(I.M.F)an instruction has come
directly from Mr.Jonas Akim (the senior officer in charge in International
Monetary Fund in Benin Republic)
He asked us to start sending your fund install mentally $5000 per day.This type
of transfer means you will be receiving $5000 everyday through money gram till
you receive your whole compensated fund of $1,200,000.00, In further
arrangement, we have programmed the transaction with a clear calculation and
decided to inform you before the commiseration of it all. To enable us send to
right person,you are then advised to get back to us stating clearly to
reconfirm the below information:
1.Your full name
2.Your full address and your Country
3.The test question and answer you will like us to use for the transfer.
4.Your direct telephone number to call you whenever a payment is sent.
As soon as the above information are received by this office,We will quickly
send you the first installment and wait for you to receive it and inform us as
we continue with the transaction till you receive the whole of your compensated
fund of $800,000.00.You are then to send the above requested information to the
money gram director in charge of your payments using the information below.
Name: Director Mr. Williams Jako
Email: moneygramtransferplc@accountant.com
Tel phone:+229 99770312
Best regards
Mrs. Loretta Paul Johnson
Puzzle Saver
3 weeks ago